2025 New Holland FP240 Pull-Type FP240
- Year 2025
- Make New Holland
- Model FP240 Pull-Type
2025 New Holland FP240 Pull-Type FP240
The FP240 gives you the high-capacity performance, uniform chop length, and rugged performance you're looking for - from the 1,000-rpm driveline gearbox all the way to the cast iron spout base.
CONVENIENCE AND PEACE OF MINDBuilt-in knife sharpeners and hardened, reversible, easy-to-adjust shearbars make it easy to maintain cutting performance. For added peace of mind, rely on the Metalert® III electronic metal detector to protect your livestock.
SMOOTH FEEDINGTop chop quality starts with four feedrolls that smoothly deliver material to the cutterhead for an even cut. The front feedrolls are aggressive to handle heavy materials and pull in slugs. The smaller, rear feedrolls grip the crop tightly to ensure an even, precise cut.
UNIFORM CHOPPINGA massive, 12-knife cutterhead is built to move more crop and chop it uniformly using full-width, spiral, hardened-alloy knives with tungsten edges. The result? High-quality feed with less power and less fuel consumption.
BEST IN HIGH CAPACITY AND CHOP QUALITYNo one builds rugged, high-capacity forage harvesters like New Holland. The best-selling line of pull-type models provides the uniform chopping you're looking for and all the reliability you've come to expect from New Holland.
Features may include:
UNIFORM CUT LENGTH IS KEYA uniform length of cut not only yields high-quality feed, it makes everything easier—unloading, blowing, storing and feeding. The key to a consistent chop is smooth crop flow through the forage harvester. It's a process New Holland has perfected and it's what makes these forage harvesters so effective.
FEATURES TO KEEP YOU CHOPPING AT PEAK EFFICIENCYChop quality is the hallmark of New Holland forage harvesters due to the built-in features that help to maintain them. Knife sharpening and shearbar adjustment are a snap and the cutterhead reverses to ensure a true cutting edge on all knives.
PROTECT EQUIPMENT AND CATTLEBroken rake tines, sickle sections and lost hitch pins can turn up in the cleanest fields. Large pieces can cause costly cutterhead damage, while smaller pieces can end up in livestock feed and harm animals. An easy way to avoid these dangers is to install the Metalert® III electronic metal detector on your forage harvester.
WIDE SELECTION OF CROP-SAVING HEADERSKeep pace with the high-capacity demands of New Holland forage harvesters by choosing the right crophead. All are PTO shaft-driven for easier hookup and removal. Shaft drive provides increased reliability and less maintenance than chain drives.